Commercial Movers in Rochester, NY
Is your business moving or expanding in Rochester, NY?
Our commercial movers have meticulous organization standards that make us stand out among other moving companies; we set up your new location exactly like your previous office/location.
We use a special labeled organizational rack that allows us to unpack in exact reverse of how we packed your current location, so all your files, documents, records, cabinets, and desks get put back exactly how we found them. We’ve moved countless law firms, organizations, and libraries.
“It’s something we pride ourselves with – we make the job so easy for you because we’ll unpack and organize your things so that you don’t have to worry about it.”
Our Office Movers Make It Easy
With just a few questions, we can get to know your moving needs. We’ll ask you:
- How many offices do you have?
- What type of equipment, furniture, and items are you moving?
- How big is your company (How many employees do you have)?
- Do you want our packing services in addition to our moving services?